
November 24th, 2014

Humans are declared to be the most massive force of geophysical change in the Anthropocene. Yet this category is much underarticulated—what is this “Anthropos” of the epoch?


Humans are declared to be the most massive force of geophysical change in the Anthropocene. Yet this category is much underarticulated—what is this “Anthropos” of the epoch? How is it united/divided? How can it be understood? How is it affected by the massive impacts of the Anthropocene? How does it contribute to it? Starting from these questions, we challenged the idea of “the subject” as agent within a human collective on the planetary scale, as well as the imagery of Anthropocene Anthropos—how might this image differ from that previously attached to the image of “Man”? Should we understand this version of Man as an alteration of bodies, as cyborgs, as hybrids, or as subalterns of an emerging superhumanity?