The Aerocene, London 2016

August 29th, 2019

Floating into the Post-Anthropocene

Aerocene is an open-source artistic project initiated by Studio Tomás Saraceno. The Aerocene is also the name given to a new and hopeful post-Anthropocenic epoch of Earth’s planetary history. As described by Tomás Saraceno, Sasha Engelmann and Bronislaw Szerszynski, to envision the Aerocene “is to imagine a metabolic and thermodynamic transformation of human societies’ relation with both the Earth and the Sun. It is an invitation to think of new ways to move and sense the circulation of energy. It is a scalable process to re-pattern atmospheric dwelling and politics through an open-source ecology of practices, models, data—and a sensitivity to the more-than-human world.” The Aerocene project has been a major inspiration for the Anthropocene Campus Seminar Knowing (in) the Anthropocene. Recently, Studio Tomás Saraceno has been working on the Aerocene Explorer, a DIY flying sculpture for solar-powered atmospheric exploration.


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